As far as books go, one of us is re-reading The Hunger Games and one of us is finishing up Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn Trilogy (which, despite a stupid name, is pretty good). But we’re not going to write about those things.
So we thought this was the time to tell you which new, upcoming shows we are excited about. And which ones it’s going to be a chore to try to watch. We will do one show per day to hopefully get people excited about the new stuff that’s coming next season, and we will tag these posts “##Upcoming Shows##” so ya'll can keep track.
CBS Thursdays, starting September 22, 2011 at 9 p.m. eastern.
Starring: Michael Emerson (Ben on LOST!!!), Jim Caviezel (Jesus in The Passion of the Christ), and Taraji P. Henson (Benjamin’s adoptive mommy in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button).
Plot: Michael Emerson plays billionaire Mr. Finch who makes a computer program to predict future crime victims. Jim Caviezel plays Reese, a former CIA agent who everyone thinks is dead to help him stop the crimes.
Why we are excited: The show is based on a screenplay written by J.J. Abrams and Jonathan Nolan. While Abrams has been disappointing us lately, he’s brought us a lot of great stuff. And Nolan? Do you people remember The Dark Knight? Jonathan is the brother of director Chris Nolan, and he is Chris’ screenwriting buddy. This tells us that there is no way that this show is going to be stupid sludge, even if...
Why we are not excited: does sound like an unoriginal, procedural-esque concept. And it kind of looks more like a movie to us.
“Anticipation score”- 8/10
“Anticipation score”- 8/10
I want to see this so bad. You should have given it a ten.
Tens are hard to come by....But we will definitely be watching.